Safeguarding is a priority at St Thomas’s Church. We are committed to following Government and Church of England guidelines of safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, and good working practice, including safer recruitment of voluntary and paid workers.
If you have any concerns, please contact our Safeguarding Officer:
Linda Clitheroe
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor
Jez Hirst
The Church of England safeguarding team can be contacted Here.
Diocese of St Albans safeguarding website can be found Here
Safeguarding Policy 2021/2022
The following statement was agreed at the Parochial Church Council meeting held on 8th November 2021
In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy, our church is committed to:
- Promoting a safe environment and culture
- Creating a safe and caring place for all
- Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility relating to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church
- Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
- Caring pastorally for victims/survivors or abuse
- Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations
- Responding to those that may pose or present a risk to others
- Listen to, and take seriously all those who declare abuse
The Church will:
- Have a named Parish Safeguarding Officer who will work with the Vicar and the PCC
- Ensure there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and vulnerable adults within the name of the Church
- Care for and monitor any member of the church community who may pose a risk to children and adults, whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and safety of all parties
- Ensure that health and safety policies and risk assessments are reviewed annually
- Review the Safeguarding Policy, procedures and practice annually
For full policies see:
St Albans Diocese website
Church of England website
St Thomas’ Church Safeguarding Flowchart